
Porn Addiction Treatment in Lakeland, Florida

Lakeland, Florida

Porn and Sex Addiction Resources in Lakeland, Florida

This guide provides information on various resources available in Lakeland, Florida for those suffering from porn and sex addiction. Both public and private resources have been included, as well as information about government subsidies.

Government Subsidies

Florida's government provides various subsidies and grants to rehabilitate addicts, including those suffering from porn and sex addiction. You can access these help by applying through the Department of Children and Families (DCF). The DCF also provides resources such as counselling and rehabilitation programs in partnership with local organizations.

Public Rehab Resources

Peace River Center: This is a community mental health center offering services for people struggling with various addictions, including sex and porn addiction. They have both inpatient and outpatient services, including counseling and support groups.

Lakeland Regional Health Hollis Cancer Center: While mainly a cancer treatment center, they also offer mental health services, including support for addiction. Their mental health professionals are equipped to deal with various types of addictions, and offer one-on-one support and group therapy.

Private Rehab Resources

Triad Treatment Center: This center offers intensive outpatient and inpatient addiction treatment programs, including support for porn and sex addiction.

Group Therapy Associates: This private organization offers therapy services for a variety of mental health issues, including addiction. They have specialized therapists who deal with sexual addictions, and provide individual and group therapy sessions.

Health Information

According to the American Society of Addiction Medicine, sexual addiction is a serious and prevalent condition. This condition is characterized by excessive sexual thoughts or behaviors that lead to distress or impairment. Some of the health implications include strained relationships, loss of interest in other activities, depression, anxiety, and other mental health complications. Early recognition and treatment can help individuals regain control of their lives and maintain healthy relationships.

Rick Zalanka MSLMHC

Rick Zalanka MSLMHC

Lakeland, FL (863) 701-8700

190 Fitzgerald Rd Lakeland, FL - 33813



Fees Range


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