
Porn Addiction Treatment in Rockford, Illinois

Rockford, Illinois

About Sex and Porn Addiction

Sex addiction and porn addiction are behavioral disorders that can disrupt a person's regular lifestyle, leading to severe consequences. Several resources in Rockford, Illinois, cater to individuals battling these addictions.

Government Subsidies and Public Health Services

The Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) delivers comprehensive treatment and recovery support for individuals with behavioral health issues, including sex and porn addictions. Although the state doesn't provide direct subsidies specific for these addictions, those demonstrating financial need can avail financial assistance for mental health services.

Private Rehab Resources

Rosecrance Harrison Campus

Rosecrance offers residential and outpatient treatment programs for adults struggling with addiction. They provide the tools necessary to achieve lasting recovery, including 12 Step based treatment and additional specific therapies for porn and sex addictions. Visit for more information.

Banyan Treatment Centers

Banyan Treatment Centers provide addiction treatment and recovery services, with a focus on individualized treatment plans. Visit for more information.

Support Groups and Communities

Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA)

Sex Addicts Anonymous offers supportive meetings throughout Rockford, which are open to anyone who believes they may be facing issues with sex addiction. For more information, visit

Sex & Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA)

Another support group, Sex & Love Addicts Anonymous offers fellowship, literature and meetings to those struggling with these issues. Visit for more information.

Health Information and Further Help

The Illinois Department of Human Services and the World Health Organization offer valuable resources about sex and porn addictions, including symptoms, effects, and advice. We recommend starting there to orient yourself with the condition and potential treatments. If you believe you or a loved one are struggling with these addictions, seek help from a healthcare provider or mental health professional.

KP Counseling Perryville Rd

KP Counseling Perryville Rd

Rockford, IL (779) 368-0060

695 N. Perryville Rd. Rockford, IL - 61107

KP Counseling (Linden Road)

KP Counseling (Linden Road)

Rockford, IL (779) 368-0060

6392 Linden Rd. Rockford, IL - 61109

Kp Counseling

Kp Counseling

Rockford, IL 779.368.0060

695 N. Perryville Rd. Rockford, IL - 61107



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