Porn and sex addiction are recognized as significant issues impacting numerous people's lives. In Indianapolis, Indiana, many resources are available to help individuals struggling with these addictions, which include private and public rehab resources and relevant health information. This guide will explain some of those resources.
In Indiana, the Department of Mental Health and Addiction provides a variety of resources and services for people fighting addiction. The department doesn't specifically mention porn and sex addiction services; however, general addiction services might cover these areas too. Further information can be found on their website.
Journey Recovery Centers offers individualized, compassionate, and confidential treatment services for those suffering from sexual addictions. This private facility located in Indianapolis outlines its offerings on the official website.
Midwest Recovery Centers, a residential treatment center, aims to help individuals cope with behavioral and substance addiction. Visit their website for more details.
The Indiana government funds community mental health centers (CMHCs) across the state, including Indianapolis. These providers treat a wide range of mental health disorders and addictions. The nearest CMHC can be found on this Indiana map.
FAIRBANKS HOSPITAL in Indianapolis is a non-profit rehab center that provides comprehensive and individualized alcohol and drug addiction treatment. The details of the programs available can be found on their website.
Sex and porn addiction can greatly impact quality of life, overall health, and interpersonal relationships. Such addictions can also be a sign of other underlying problems such as anxiety or depression. It's essential to approach treatment for these issues comprehensively and with professional support. You can find more information about sex addiction and its impacts on the Indiana Health's website.
Various support groups exist in Indianapolis and surrounding areas to provide support, empathy, and understanding to those struggling with such addictions. One of them is, Sexaholics Anonymous (SA). Further details are available on their website.
Another group is Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA), a 12-step fellowship for people who need help in their romantic and sexual relationships. More information can be found on their website.
Remember, never hesitate to seek help if you are struggling with addiction. There are resources available to assist you.
9240 North Meridian Street Indianapolis, IN - 46260