
Porn Addiction Treatment in Durham, North Carolina

Durham, North Carolina

Porn and Sex Addiction Resources in Durham, North Carolina

This guide offers some helpful resources for those struggling with porn and sex addiction in Durham, North Carolina.

Government Services

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services provides several programs for people dealing with addiction. They offer resources such as counseling, medical services, and rehabilitation centers, which could be helpful for those dealing with sex and porn addiction. However, there are currently no specific government subsidies for this particular addiction.

Private Rehab Resources

Durham Treatment Center: This private center offers comprehensive outpatient treatment for various addictions. They can provide individual and group therapy sessions to help individuals coping with porn and sex addiction.

Raleigh Therapy Services: Located just a short drive from Durham, Raleigh Therapy Services offers sex addiction treatment. Their approach combines cognitive-behavioral therapy with mindfulness techniques to help individuals regain control over their behavior.

Public Rehab Resources

Reality Ministries: A faith-based public organization in Durham, Reality Ministries provides free community support groups for various addictions, including porn and sex addiction.

Durham County Health Department: The local health department offers mental health resources which could provide support and treatment for those dealing with addictive behaviors.

Health Information

Addictions, including porn and sex addiction, are serious medical conditions that require professional help. They can lead to emotional distress, relationship problems, and other health issues. However, with the right treatment, it's possible to recover and live a normal, healthy life. If you are struggling with such an addiction, the first step is to recognize the problem and seek help. Counselors and therapists are trained to help you understand your addiction and guide you through the process of recovery.

Remember, there's no shame in asking for help. You're not alone—there are many resources and people ready to offer you the support you need.

Bull City Psychotherapy

Bull City Psychotherapy

Durham, NC (919) 382-0288

1816 Front Street Durham, NC - 27705



Fees Range


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