
Porn Addiction Treatment in Providence, Rhode Island

Providence, Rhode Island

Sex and Porn Addiction Resources in Providence, Rhode Island

Providence, Rhode Island, offers several resources and support groups for individuals struggling with porn and sex addiction. Some of the resources include rehabilitation centers, outpatient programs, and online tools. Following are some prominent resources available:

1. Project Weber/RENEW

Based in South Water Street, Providence, Project Weber/RENEW is a non-profit providing harm reduction services and health advocacy to men and women in Rhode Island. They offer support to individuals affected by sex addiction. More about this can be found on the website

2. The Providence Center

The Providence Center helps adults, adolescents and children affected by psychiatric illnesses, emotional problems and addictions through mental health and addiction treatment services, including sex addiction. Further information can be found at

3. Life Counseling Services

Life Counselors in Providence provide treatment options, counseling services and comprehensive care to people dealing with addiction problems, including sex and porn addiction. Visit their website at

Government Subsidized Support

Rhode Island Department of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals (BHDDH) subsidizes substance use disorder treatment for qualifying residents. They provide comprehensive quality treatment that promotes recovery from pornography/sex addiction. Their website is

Public and Private Rehab

Both public and private rehab institutions in Providence like Butler Hospital, CODAC Behavioral Healthcare, and The Providence Center offer evidence-based treatments for sex and porn addiction.

Health Considerations

Unaddressed sex and porn addiction can impact mental, emotional, and physical health. It's associated with social, occupational and interpersonal difficulties. Long-term effects can include the development of other addictions, financial instability, relationship difficulties and decreased work or school productivity. Seek medical help if you or a loved one are struggling with such an addiction.

The Providence Center

The Providence Center

Providence, RI (401) 276-4020

528 North Main Street Providence, RI - 02904

CODAC Providence

CODAC Providence

Providence, RI 401-942-1450

349 Huntington Ave Providence, RI - 02909



Fees Range


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