
Porn Addiction Treatment in lansdowne, Virginia


A Comprehensive Guide to Porn and Sex Addiction Resources in Virginia

Sex and pornography addiction are serious matters that many people struggle with. It's important to know that help is readily available and that recovery is not just possible but a common outcome. Whether you're seeking guidance in Virginia or need online resources, this comprehensive guide covers everything from subsidies and private rehab centres to support groups, therapy options, and health information.

The Importance of Seeking Help

Acknowledging the problem and seeking help is the first and most critical step. Remember, it is no sign of weakness but rather, a strength to admit that you require help to overcome addiction.

Initiating Recovery

Talking to your general practitioner is a great starting point. They can give you a clearer picture of your situation, provide you with resources, and refer you to specialists. Here's a guide to Virginia-specific resources you can turn to.

State and Government Resources

The Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services offers a variety of free and low-cost treatment options for those with sex and porn addiction. They can help with counseling, medication, and support groups.

Contact Information: Virginia DBHDS

Private and Public Rehab Resources

Virginia hosts a vast selection array of private and public rehab centers. Among them:

  • The Farley Center
  • Bridging The Gaps Integrated Health
  • Cornerstone Adult Services

Community Support Groups

Joining a support group can provide much-needed emotional support and practical insights from those who've had the same experience.

  • Narcotics Anonymous Virginia
  • Alcoholics Anonymous Virginia

Online Resources

Help without leaving home is available too. Online resources like Sex Addicts Anonymous and Porn Addicts Anonymous offer forums, online meetings, and resources.

Therapy Options

Virginia has numerous therapists specialized in dealing with porn and sex addictions. Among them are:

  • Abigail Sewell
  • Alexis Moreno

Maintaining Sobriety

Maintaining sobriety requires an ongoing commitment. Healthy relationships, regular exercise, good nutrition and enough sleep are all key. Reach out to your support network and remember to take it one day at a time.

Ryan Carboneau

Ryan Carboneau

Lansdowne, VA (540) 521-1017

44135 Woodridge Parkway Lansdowne, VA - 20176



Fees Range


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