
Porn Addiction Treatment in Michigan


Sex and porn addiction can be debilitating, isolating, and damaging. If you are struggling with this, you're not alone. This guide is meant to provide resources and support for those facing these challenges in the state of Michigan. Here, you can find information about government subsidies, private and public rehab resources, community support groups, online resources, and therapy options.

Government Support and Subsidies

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) offers a number of programs that may subsidize mental health treatment, including addiction recovery. If you're eligible for Medicaid, some services may be provided at little to no cost to you. To apply, visit the MI Bridges website, or call the MDHHS at 855-275-6424.

Rehab Resources


There are a number of publicly funded treatment centers in Michigan, such as the Wayne County Department of Health and Human Services and the Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan.


Private therapy can be an effective treatment for sex and porn addiction. Therapists who specialize in this area are found throughout the state, including at the Psychology Today Michigan Therapists Directory.

Community Support Groups

There are numerous support groups across our state specifically designed for those struggling with sex and pornography addiction. Sex Addicts Anonymous and Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous offer local groups in several Michigan cities.

Online Resources

Online therapy platforms, hotlines, and support groups such as Talkspace, Better Help and The Recovery Village can provide critical help, particularly if you're unable to attend in-person meetings or sessions.

Therapy Options

Different therapy options are available depending on your personal situation. These can include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Motivational Interviewing (MI), and Group Therapy. To find out what therapy option might be best for you, consider speaking with a therapist or other healthcare professional.

The Importance of Seeking Help

Remember, recognizing the problem and seeking help is the first step towards recovery. It's important for you to know that there's no shame in asking for assistance – in fact, it’s a sign of strength and courage. You don't have to face this alone. Help is available, and recovery is within your reach.

Maintaining Sobriety

Once you have taken the necessary steps towards recovery, maintaining sobriety is crucial. Attending support group meetings, keeping up with therapy sessions, and nurturing a healthy lifestyle are all ways to ensure a successful recovery. Find happiness in the small wins and remember, you are more than your addiction.

John D. McPhail

John D. McPhail

Okemos, MI (517) 879-5614

2111 University Park Dr Okemos, MI - 48864

Ilona L Tobin

Ilona L Tobin

Birmingham, MI (248) 792-9298

801 S Adams Road Birmingham, MI - 48009

Lauren Hoyt

Lauren Hoyt

Ann Arbor, MI (520) 549-2070

1785 W Stadium Blvd Ann Arbor, MI - 48103

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